


class clutter.BehaviourEllipse(clutter.Behaviour):
    __init__(alpha=None, x=0, y=0, width=0, height=0, start=0.0, end=0.0)
def set_center(x, y)
def get_center(x, y)
def set_width(width)
def get_width()
def set_height(height)
def get_height()
def set_angle_start(angle_start)
def get_angle_start()
def set_angle_end(angle_end)
def get_angle_end()
def set_angle_tilt(axis, angle_tilt)
def get_angle_tilt(axis)
def set_tilt(angle_tilt_x, angle_tilt_y, angle_tilt_z)
def get_tilt()
def get_direction()
def set_direction(direction)


+-- GObject
  +-- clutter.Behaviour
    +-- clutter.BehaviourEllipse


    __init__(alpha, x, y, width, height, start, end)

alpha :

a clutter.Alpha or None

x :

x coordinace of the center

y :

y coordinace of the center

width :

width of the ellipse

height :

height of the ellipse

start :

angle in degrees at which movement starts, between 0 and 360

end :

angle in degrees at which movement ends, between 0 and 360

Returns :

the newly created clutter.BehaviourEllipse



    def set_center(x, y)

x :

x coordinace of centre

y :

y coordinace of centre

Sets the center of the elliptical path to the point represented by knot.


    def get_center()

Returns :

a 2-tuple with the X and Y coordinates of the center

Returns the center of the elliptical path path.


    def set_width(width)

width :

width of the ellipse

Sets the width of the elliptical path.


    def get_width()

Returns :

the width of the path

Returns the width of the elliptical path.


    def set_height(height)

height :

height of the ellipse

Sets the height of the elliptical path.


    def get_height()

Returns :

the height of the path

Returns the height of the elliptical path.


    def set_angle_start(angle_start)

angle_start :

angle at which movement starts in degrees, between 0 and 360.

Sets the angle at which movement starts; angles >= 360 degress get clamped to the canonical interval (0, 360).


    def get_angle_start()

Returns :

angle in degrees

Gets the angle at which movements starts.


    def set_angle_end(angle_end)

angle_end :

angle at which movement ends in degrees, between 0 and 360.

Sets the angle at which movement ends; angles >= 360 degress get clamped to the canonical interval (0, 360).


    def get_angle_end()

Returns :

angle in degrees

Gets the angle at which movements ends.


    def set_angle_tilt(axis, angle_tilt)

axis :

a clutter.RotateAxis enum

angle_tilt :

tilt of the elipse around the center in the given axis in degrees.

Sets the angle at which the ellipse should be tilted around its center.


    def get_angle_tilt(axis)

axis :

a clutter.RotateAxis enum

Returns :

angle in degrees.

Returs the tilt of the ellipse around the center in the given axis.


    def set_tilt(angle_tilt_x, angle_tilt_y, angle_tilt_z)

angle_tilt_x :

tilt of the elipse around the center in X axis in degrees.

angle_tilt_y :

tilt of the elipse around the center in Y axis in degrees.

angle_tilt_z :

tilt of the elipse around the center in Z axis in degrees.

Sets the angles at which the ellipse should be tilted around its center.


    def get_tilt()

Returns :

a 3-tuple containing angle_tilt_x, angle_tilt_y and angle_tilt_z

Returns the angles at which the ellipse should be tilted around its center.


    def get_direction()

Returns :

a clutter.RotateDirection enum

Returns the clutter.ºRotateDirection value used by the ellipse behaviour.


    def set_direction(direction)

direction :

a clutter.RotateDirection enum

Sets the rotation direction used by the ellipse behaviour.