Installing From Source

After you've installed all of the dependencies, download the PyClutter source code, unpack it, and change to the newly created directory. PyClutter can be built and installed with the following sequence of commands:

# ./configure
# make
# make install

The configure script will check to make sure all of the required dependencies are already installed. If you are missing any dependencies it will exit and display an error.

By default, PyClutter will be installed under the /usr/local directory if you don't specify a prefix in the configure script.

If you want to help develop PyClutter or experiment with new features, you can also install PyClutter from git. Details are available at the PyClutter web site.


Before attempting to install PyClutter, you should first install these other packages:

  • GTK+

  • PyGTK

  • libgl (Mesa)

These dependencies have their own dependencies, including the following applications and libraries:

  • pkg-config

  • glib

  • ATK

  • Pango

  • Python-devel